SPACES is closed for deinstallation

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Akosua Adoma Owusu

Washington D.C. & Accra, Ghana, CA


"Within my videos and films, a rhythm is generated both visually and musically. The pacing and editing become a soundtrack. Patterns and montages are integral to the work. Different cultural sites are continually layered atop one another and back again. The heart of my sculptures, films, and videos are loaded with intersections of identity and cultural appropriation. I collect an archive of sources that I often weave in my films to excavate and organize visual texts of cultural ethnicity and historical issues, which I then filter through my subjectivity. I am formed by at least two cultures: Ghana as homeland and living in the United States in an immigrant family. I think of myself as a 'walking contradiction' and make use of my cultural hybridity in my film 'investigations.' That being said, I do not hesitate to move readily back and forth between similar mundane activities in West Africa and North America, ever aware of my constant insider/outside status."

Akosua Adoma Owusu received her MFA from School of Art & School of Film/Video, California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA, and her Distinguished BA in Cinematography and Media Studies from University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Her films have been shown at Festival des Cannes, Short Film Corner at Cinema du Monde Pavilion, Cannes, France; 6

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