David Szerkeres

Garfield Heights, OH

Szerkeres received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design from the University of Akron in 1987, and started producing bodies of work for exhibition in 1993.

The majority of his work focuses on images that he finds most intriguing. Whether captured through his photographs, or inspired by his life's influences, experiences, ethnic background, dreams or random thoughts, they often have a strong emotional and visual tie.

Fleeting moments in time, taken for granted or left unnoticed by some, become visually archived in Szerkeres' mind. They may be serene, genuinely realistic and relatively mundane slices of life, or emotionally challenging, ambiguously thought provoking, or surrealistic. Whether portraying the guts of humanity or mysterious images he remembers from dreams, Szerkeres veers toward those he finds to be worthy of sharing and immortalizing.

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