Jordan Wong
Cleveland, OH
We will share news about the upcoming shows soon--more to come.
Jordan is a graphic designer, illustrator and artist working under the name WONGFACE. He is originally from Pittsburgh and studied at California University of Pennsylvania, receiving a dual degree in Graphic Design and Marketing. Since moving to Cleveland in 2015, he has started his own business, shown artwork throughout the city, became the Community Outreach Director of AIGA Cleveland, organized MOTION Collab with Purple and Deanna Dionne, worked on CAC SfAPT (Cuyahoga Arts and Culture Support for Artists Planning Team), and assumed the role of design partner at the art organization SPACES. Jordan specializes in illustrative work and is inspired by empowering narratives, tongue-in-cheek humor, and imaginative quirkiness.
Visiting SPACES
SPACES is open to the public on Weds-Sat 12-5 PM
SPACES has stops from busses 26 and 71 right out front.
22, 25, 45, and 51 all also stop nearby at West 25 and Detroit.
On view
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