M. Carmen Lane
Cleveland, OH
We will share news about the upcoming shows soon--more to come.
Lane (b. 1975) is a two:spirit African-American and Haudenosaunee (Mohawk/Tuscarora) artist, cultural worker, poet, popular educator and consultant living in Kahyonhá:ke (Cleveland, Ohio). Lane received their BA in Women’s Studies with a focus in feminist art history, theory & criticism from Earlham College and later earned their MS in Organization Development & Change from American University. Their work has been published in numerous journals and anthologies including the Lambda Literary Award nominated Sovereign Erotics: A
Collection of Two Spirit Literatures. Lane’s first collection of poetry is Calling Out After Slaughter (GTK Press, 2015). They are the Founder and Director of ATNSC: Center for Healing & Creative Leadership, an urban retreat center and experiment in holistic health, leadership development and Indigenous arts & culture located in the historic Buckeye neighborhood. Lane is a member of NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science and Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers.
Visiting SPACES
SPACES is open to the public on Weds-Sat 12-5 PM
SPACES has stops from busses 26 and 71 right out front.
22, 25, 45, and 51 all also stop nearby at West 25 and Detroit.
On view
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