Tessa Windt
Phoenix, AZ
We will share news about the upcoming shows soon--more to come.
I am endlessly attracted to the undulations, mobilities and lethargies of cloth. Continual arrangement and re-arrangement of cloth draw my work back to the here-and-now, to the back-and-forth, to-and-fro, rock-and-roll of materiality, yours and mine.
I revel in arrangement as a means to re-combine material and pictorial, literal and formal, visceral and ethereal. Reaching back to the endeavours of Modernism, I employ the strategies of formal abstraction to propose intersections between decoration and Modernism, and make palpable the tension between the body and abstraction.
Visiting SPACES
SPACES is open to the public on Weds-Sat 12-5 PM
SPACES has stops from busses 26 and 71 right out front.
22, 25, 45, and 51 all also stop nearby at West 25 and Detroit.
On view
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