SPACES is closed for deinstallation

We will share news about the upcoming shows soon--more to come.

September 4, 2019

WELCOME: Nate Rouse

MY: Please put your hands together and join us in welcoming the newest member to our out-of-this-world crew at SPACES, Nathan Rouse the 2019-2020 Programming Fellow.

NR: Howdy-doody! I go by Nate. I have a persistent cough and can never remember anyone's name. I’m an artist and filmmaker with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in photography and video from the Cleveland Institute of Art in 2019.

MY: What have you been doing with yourself outside of CIA?

NR: Along with Kory Dakin, I occasionally run the Open Projector Night, an open mic night but for videos, through the Museum of Contemporary Art (moCa). Also, I'm pretty happily engrossed in writing a “choose your own adventure novel” that will probably never see the light of day.

MY: What brought you to SPACES?

NR: I’ve been enthralled by SPACES ever since it came onto my radar in late 2016. That was during Anthony Warnick’s exhibition, Except as a Punishment for Crime, and its no joke when I say I’m really looking forward to working with SPACES during this fellowship. I can't wait to help realize all that's in store over the next year!

MY: Ok, let's take a silly photo of you in the gallery.

NR: (Checks out said photo) Perfect. Here we go. . .

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