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Photo Catalogue Video Catalogue
Cleveland: What Does Work Mean To You?
Follow the truck via Twitter and see the routes:
Renowned performance artist William Pope.L has a proposition for Cleveland: can we manually pull an 8-ton truck through the city, as a testament to the power of shared labor?
Pull! is a durational. city-wide community performance piece, in which hundreds of Clevelanders will manually pull a truck for 25 miles, through the neighborhoods of North Collinwood, Glenville, University Circle, Hough, AsiaTown and downtown; to West Park, Clark-Fulton and Ohio City.
Images collected from people across Cleveland about what work means to them will be projected from the back of the truck as it is pulled through the city.
Pull! is a show of strength that can only happen if thousands of people team together. It celebrates the labor that built the city of Cleveland, and challenges all the naysayers who claim Cleveland is finished. It's a living reminder we should be proud of hard work (especially when we do it together), and a chance to stir up a city-wide conversation about work.
We spend half our lives working and the other half avoiding it. Work puts food on our table and our kids through school. Our jobs (or lack of jobs) shape our lives for good and bad. Pull! will provide a moment for the diverse people of Cleveland to work together, eat together, pull together and talk together about one of the most powerful, meaningful forces in our lives-our jobs. And, to accomplish all of this through a community art performance project made for and by the people of Cleveland.
Pull! takes place on June 7-9 of 2013, as part of the 25th anniversary of the Cleveland Performance Art Festival.
Thanks to Our Funders and Sponsors...
The 2012 Joyce Awards, the George Gund Foundation, the John P. Murphy Foundation, Neighborhood Connections, FORM, Jakprints, Speedpro Imaging, Dean Supply, the Distillata Co., Dodd Camera, Good Greens, Tenable Protective Services.
To Our Community Partners...
2100 Lakeside, The Beachland Ballroom, Present & Accounted: A Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Cleveland Performance Art Festival, City Rising Farm, the Cleveland Memory Project, the Cleveland Print Room, Cleveland Public Library, the Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization, Famicos, Neighborhood Connections, NeighborUp, the Neighborhood Leadership Institute, Northeast Shores, Ohio City Incorporated, Parade the Circle, Paul Sobota Photography, Policy Matters Ohio, St. Paul's Community Church, the Stockyard, Clark-Fulton & Brooklyn Centre Community Development Office
To Those Who Submitted Images...
Janean Aikens, Lisa Alleman, Maria Alvares, Grace Amber, Associated Photographers, Lydia Bailey, Hannah Baldwin, Cheryll Bellamy, Fred Bidwell, Ross Bochnek, Anthony Body, Sr. Mary Eileen Boyle, Bree Bree, Marc Breed, Dudley Brumbach, Sean Bryan, Sarah Bryan, Nicole Capuana, Tina Cassara, Janet Century, City of Cleveland, City Rising Farm, Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland Memory Project, Bethany Corriveau, Perry Cragg, Deltrece Daniels, Scott d'Arazien, Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization, Maria Dawn, Denajua Denujea, Monica Doyle, Shaun Doyle, Glenn Dumonthier, Christa Ebert, Esperanza Threads, John Farina, Carol Farver, Damien Forshe, Mallorie Freeman, Mona Gazala, Darlene Glass, Daniel Gray-Kontar, Marvin Greene, Derek Grubaugh, Doc Harrill, Seven Harris, Erich Hooper, Sasha Hope, Elaine Hullihen, Valerie Jacques-Belair, Kevin James, Angelo Jessup, Tracy Kichinka, Eric Kogelschatz, Jackie Kozdron, Indra Lacis, Hassan Lee, Qian Li, Amonte Littlejohn, Tim Long, Christopher Lynn, Liz Maugans, Chris McIntosh, Lorna McLain, Judy Medina, Woody Melton, Jason Milburn, Grace Needlman, Robert Needlman, Neighborhood Connections, Hien Nguyen, Ohio Department of Transportation, Dana Oldfather, Maria Oriti, Angela Oster, Birkan Ozgur, Julie Patterson, Arabella Proffer, Erin Randel, Julie Rauschenbach, Joseph Reinhard, Kevin Ritter, Doc Rollins, Ellen Rooney, PhD, the Rosenbluth Family, Michael J. Roth, Konnor Sartels, Ian Saslow, Lawrence Schreiber, Elvis Serrano, Marilyn Simmons, Anthony Singleton, Daeshon Singleton, Mark Slankard, Kathy Smith, Steven B. Smith, Victor Smole, George Snyder, Erin Stearns, Sarah Stupka, James Thomas, Jeanette Toms, Julia Van Wagenen, Laila Voss, Mary Walsh, Shari Wilkins, Jess Wilms, Megan Wilson-Reitz, Jasper Wood, Hiuna Wu, Norbert Yassanye, Hui-Chu Ying
Those Who Pulled...
Jim Allison, Brian Altekruse, Victoria Anders, Amber Anderson, Adrienne Arnold, Aleszu Bajak, Hannah Baldwin, Mike Baruschke, Nick Bastis, Heather Baur, Shawn Belt, Jill Bjerke, Ross Bochnek, Anthony Body, Kirby Broadnax, Hope Broeker, Pita Brooks, Gregory Brown, Daniel Brown, Joe Bruzas, Petrique Campbell, Danny Canfield, Nicole Capuana, Darrelle Anne Centuori, Emil Chadima, Anna Chanakas, Toni Chanakas, Lonnie Cloud, L.P. Coladangelo, Kory Dakin, William Delfs, Katherine Desjardins, Monica Doyle, Shaun Doyle, Josh Duensing, Jason Duganier, Glenn Dumonthier, Rob Elias, Elizabeth Emery, Pam England, Lauren Enty, Julianna Estall, Carol Farver, Janine Farver, Rebecca Farver, Brandon Ferguson, Cheryl Fields, Chelsea Flowers, Rameana Foster, Courtney Fratzke, Oliver Gibbons, Legran Giles, David Giordano, Hannah Givler, George Gonzalez, McCall Gorbach Foster, Mike Goss, John Gralka, Ricky Graves, Erin Guido, Eileen Hirsch, Raul Hitchcock, Tyrone Holmes, Sasha Hope, Donald Hoover, Denise Huck, Vince J, Kevin James, Jamye Jamison, Matt Jankowski, Lavetta Jones, Megan Jones, Nate Jones, Tyrone Jones, Lauren Juratovac, Andrew Kaletta, Joe Kastelic, Mimi Kato, Breanna Keiter, Danny Kelly, Shaun Kelly, Nabiha Khan, Tracy Kichinka, Karen Klucar, Paul Kopp, Michelle Korber, Teri Krawczyk, Jimmy Kuehnle, Joe Lanzilotta, Eleanor LeBeau, Nicole Ledinek, Heather Lenz, Jessica Lewis, Mariah Lewis, Ashley Linderman, Kenneth Livingston, John Louis, James Christopher Mason, Donna Matzek, Derek Maxfield, Brenton McClean, Danielle Meeker, David Medina, George Melnyk, Pamela Melton, Adam Mitchell, Jesse Moffit, Kate Montlack, David Munoz, Lynne Nagy, Rachel Napolitano, Caroline Nardi, Grace Needlman, Robert Needlman, Daniel Nolan, Robert O'Lexa, Cassandra Opaskar, Angela Oster, Kevin Parrish, Lisa Pasquale, Don Pavlish, Leslie Pendleton, Brad Pierce, Carmen Pomales, Justin Porter, Nick Raffel, Anthony Ranieri, Jayce Renner, Kevin Ritter, Ramone Robertson, Turri Robinson, Kevin Rogers, Kristin Rogers, Jordan Rogoff, John Rukenbrod, W. Dean Rutland, Nadine Santiago, Russ Sebbio, John Seawright, Jon Seydl, Brittany Shaw, John Shega, Scott Shepard, Gretchen Shimola, Marika Shioiri-Clark, Corrie Slawson, Ryan Smarsh, Adam Smith, Kathy Smith, Steven Smith, Mike Sobeck, Joel Solow, Gregory Soltis, Katie Soule, Thea Spittle, Thomas Starinsky, Krystle Steinbach, Kate Stenson-Canfield, Dan Suber, Catherine Sullivan, Kimberly Thomas, Anita Tobin, Cassandra Troyan, Dex V, Deanna Valentino, Tara Vanta, Graham Veysey, Laila Voss, Lauren Voss, Evan Wachs, Mustafa Walker, Robert Walsh, Eric Watts, Kyla Weerlin, Richard West, Amia Wheatley, Adam Wilde, Tim Williams, Chris Wilson, Anne Marie Witmer, Frank Worley, Marilyn Yakumithis, Hui-Chu Ying, Isaiah Young, Rachel Yurkovich
Those Who Gave Their Time...
Chuck Ackerman, Elle Adams, Zoe Adams, Tiffany Andreoli, Hannah Baldwin, Cindy Barber, Seth Beattie, Anthony Body, Britni Cartier, Jeff and Cynthia Chiplis, Councilman Joe Cimperman, Tharne Clark, Michael Cormier, Francis Crish, Jeff Curtis, Gerty Delfs, the Department of Art at University of Chicago, David Desimone, Mo Dixon, Anthony Doss, Christen Duvernay, Cavana Faithwalker, Giulia Fancinelli, David Flenory, Nan Eisenberg, Jacquie Gillon, David Giordano, Charles Gliha, Amy Goldman, Daniel Gray-Kontar, Erik Gunsberg, Amy Hanauer, Matt Hering, Lisa Holly, Chloe Hopson, Virginia Houston, Chris Klasa, Johnny Lloyd, Steve Louzos, Melanie McCarter, Curt McClain, Woody Melton, Laura Mintz, Mitchell Innes and Nash, Mark Moskovitz, Thomas Mulready, Tom O'Brien, Organizers & Allies, Julie Patton, Dwayne Pigee, Councilman Michael Polensek, Nick Raffel, Erin Randel, Ron Register, Kevin Ritter, Kristin Rogers, Joy Roller, Iris Rozman, Chester Rudzinski, Danielle Price, Kristen Schmidt, Michael Sering, John Shega, Rachael Sommers, Mary Sweeney, Tom Starinsky, Rebecca Town, Reto Thuring, Evan Wachs, Shari Wilkins, Michael Williams, Sue Wolpert, Dharma Valentin, Robin Van Lear, Piet van Lier, Joe Vedova, Beth Zone, Councilman Matt Zone, Paul Sobota, Grace Needlman, Sarah Bryan, Connor Elder, Heather Rose Hileman, Andreia Sweeney, Grace Amber
Our Drivers...
Bryan Altkruse, Gary Boska, Gary Claxton, Lydia Grey, Pastor Doug Horner, Richard Kiefer, Richard Romero, Dan Suber, Woody Melton, Jared Van Wagenen, Tyrone Williams
And Performers...
The Revolution Brass Band, the North Bayou Ramblers, Passport Project, and the Neil Chastain Quartet
William Pope.L
William Pope.L is a visual and performance artist and educator. He has been making multi-disciplinary works since the 1970s, exhibiting internationally in New York, London, Los Angeles, Vienna, Montreal and Tokyo. In 2009, he was commissioned by Hauser & Wirth to create an installation in response to Kaprow's "Yard." He... go to artist page
Visiting SPACES
SPACES is open to the public on Weds-Sat 12-5 PM
SPACES has stops from busses 26 and 71 right out front.
22, 25, 45, and 51 all also stop nearby at West 25 and Detroit.
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