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August 25 - October 20, 2023

The gardens of Adonis are cultivated for the sake of flowers not fruits

Faysal Altunbozar

Part of Artist-in-Residence

The gardens of Adonis are cultivated for the sake of flowers not fruits
The gardens of Adonis are cultivated for the sake of flowers not fruits
The gardens of Adonis are cultivated for the sake of flowers not fruits

The gardens of Adonis are cultivated for the sake of flowers not fruits, evokes an abstract garden scape in the gallery. The exhibition speculates a sort of plant singularity wherein we humans become fertilizing mechanisms for specific plant species. Referring back to his research on queer spaces and cruising, Altunbozar imagines a scenario where plant intelligence instrumentalizes the cruising body to spread their seeds. 3 Dimensional sculptural patterns borrowed from sneaker soles, turn into seed pods. Interwoven with this narrative, the show includes wind chimes made out of Muffler Tips. Referring to industrial past and present of the region, the sculptures creates a subtle auditory experience. This shiny, masculine objects becomes a melody for flowers and insects.

Along with our bodily desires, the show also considers our complex desires towards products and objects. In our libidinal economy, commercial objects infiltrate our fantasies and dreams. These patterns on the sneaker soles almost act like pheromones attracting pollinators. In a one day delivery culture, waiting for their delivery is a similar experience to longing for a lovers return or an online hook up to arrive.

About the Artist

Faysal Altunbozar

Faysal Altun­bozar (b. 1993/04/02, Istan­bul), is an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist who creates discrete objects and spatial interventions that layer cultural histories and playful allusions to the body in order to reframe dichotomies of power and pleasure. An MFA recip­i­ent from the School of the Art Insti­tute of Chica­go, his work has... go to artist page

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