Sandra Bermudez

New York, NY

Sandra Bermudez was born in Chicago, IL in 1968 and currently lives and works in New York, NY. She received an MA in Studio Art from New York University- ICP in 1999, an MA in Art Education from Columbia University in 1996, and a BFA from the Instituto Artistico dell'abbigliamento Marangoni, Milano, Italy in 1994. Bermudez has exhibited at Kasia Kay Art Projects, Chicago, Sara Zanin-z20, Rome, Italy, Vivian Horan Fine Art and Annina Nosel in New York, and Valenzuela Klenner in Bogota, Columbia, as well as in museums and public spaces shows in Scotland, England, Italy, Argentina, Uruguay, and the US.

Throughout her career, Bermudez's work has focused on different societies' perception and representation of the female body. She often uses her own body to question the popular iconographic depiction of a woman as a sexual and desirable object. Bermudez creates playful and seductive works that reference pornography as well as contemporary body art. In her provoking series of images, Bermudez resorts to all visual codes of pornographic photography, like saturated colors, flatness, close-ups, and glossy surface. Some of her self-portraits question the iconography of women as objects and uncover them as subjects of feelings and thoughts.addresses the construction of female identity in our society. Bermudez often uses close-up photography to isolate body parts from their immediate context in order to question assumptions about the power of female body in our popular culture, question public versus private aspects of female existence, and explores conventions associated with love and sex. In her newer art works, Bermudez introduces emotional paradox, drama and magic of moments, examines our desires, and focuses on universally familiar elements of human psyche.

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